Many sales people tell themselves lies that prevent them from
reaching their sales quotas, closing more deals and making more money. Avoid
telling yourself these 7 lies.
- Sales Lie #1: “I
could reach my quota if my company lowered their prices.”
While price is a factor in every sale, it is seldom the primary reason people make their final buying decision. Very few companies set their pricing higher than the market will bear. If you rely solely on price to close deals then you condition your customers to constantly push you for a larger discount or a better price. - Sales Lie #2:
“I’ve got this deal in the bag.”
I think this is one of the most common lies sales people tell themselves. In fact, I hate to admit that I’ve been guilty of this from time-to-time.
However, no deal is guaranteed until the other person signs the agreement, gives you confirmation, or places the order. - Sales Lie #3:
“The competition is always offering better prices.”
While some competitors will consistently beat you on price, the reality is that most companies are competitively priced. It’s a rare situation when a competitor will out-price you on everything you sell unless the products are different. - Sales Lie: #4:
“My territory is too big (or too small).”
In an ideal world, you would be able to see or meet with every account or customer in a perfect cycle.
However, the reality of today’s sales world is that companies are struggling to do more with less which less which means most sales people have to manage a big sales territory.
The key is to manage your accounts more effectively by investing the bulk of your time managing your best and most profitable accounts (top 20%) and customers that have good potential to grow (next 20-30%). - Sales Lie: #5:
“If I don’t set a sales target I won’t be disappointed.”
In my eyes, people who don’t set sales targets are essentially saying, “I’m not sure what I’m going to do this year and I don’t want to work harder than I have to.”
Top performing sales reps always set high, ambitious goals and their targets are usually higher than those set by their company. They use these goals to inspire and motivate themselves to achieve more. - Sales Lie: #6:
“No one is buying.”
I recently spoke to someone who sells cars, an industry that has been particularly hard-hit in the last few years. However, his sales continue to increase even though many people in the same business complain of declining sales.
Regardless of the economy, people still make buying decisions. They still make purchases. Companies still need products and services so stop wasting time thinking about the people who aren’t buying and find the people and companies who are buying! - Sales Lie #7: “I
don’t need to practice my sales presentation.”
The best sales people seldom take their sales appointments and meetings for granted. They rehearse the questions they need to ask. They run through their presentation to make sure they have included the necessary details and that their presentation flows in a logical manner and that it addresses their prospect’s situation and/or needs.
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